Rudy gay injury report

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Gay was coming off a 16 point, 6 rebound performance last night in Los Angeles that also saw him tie his career-high with 6 blocked shots. Omri Casspi will almost certainly get the start in Rudy Gay's place. 22's game against the Houston Rockets at the Toyota Center with a left achilles injury. That could all change in the hours leading up to the game tonight at 7 p.m., but for now it appears likely that the Kings will be without their second leading scorer. Sacramento Kings star Rudy Gay left the floor in the first quarter of Wednesday, Jan. According to the Kings' definition, questionable means a 50% chance to play, although I don't believe we've seen a single player listed as questionable actually play so far this season. The injury report sent out by the Kings before each game listed Rudy Gay as questionable for tonight's action with a left heel contusion. The Atlanta Hawks are a tough opponent regardless, but now it looks like the Kings might not be at full strength come tip-off. The Sacramento Kings have won three straight, all on the road, and now return home to try to get their first four-game winning streak of the season.

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